We are overwhelmed with gratitude as we share this incredible news: We set a lofty benchmark of $75,000 for End-Of-Year giving in December, and moved that up to $100,000, once we reached our initial goal. We are extremely proud to report that we finished at midnight on New Year’s Eve at $135,327, far surpassing our expectations and proving the power of community!
This achievement is especially meaningful as it honors the legacy of K-9 Yoube, our beloved National Ambassador who recently reached her End of Watch. Through your kindness, we’ve fulfilled Yoube’s final goal to help ensure that retired K-9 Heroes across the nation receive the care, respect, and support they so deeply deserve.
Your contributions will make a profound difference, allowing us to expand our efforts in 2025 and beyond. From covering life-saving medical treatments to providing Rehabilitation & Rehoming services, your support ensures that no retired K-9 Hero is left wanting. We always strive to put your donations to the best possible use, with 90% of our budget allocated to program services.
Thank you for standing with us, for believing in our mission, and for helping us carry forward Yoube’s legacy. We have closed out the largest year in our organization’s history and are excited to embark on the next chapter, knowing we have the best supporters by our side.
With heartfelt appreciation,
The Project K-9 Hero Team
Every Dollar You Donate Helps
Retired K-9 Heroes!
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