Murdoch's "Round Up" Raises over $177,000 for PK9H!
We are thrilled to announce that our partnership with Murdoch's Ranch and Home Supply raised over $177,000 in two months, thanks to their generous customers donating through the "Round Up" program.
Our organization was honored to be the recipient of Murdoch's "Round Up" donations for May and June this year. The generosity of Murdoch's customers far exceeded everyone's expectations, and we more than tripled our goal for what we had hoped to raise.
We cannot thank you enough. Each customer who chose to round up their purchase is a blessing to the K-9 Heroes in our pack. We are deeply grateful to Murdoch's for selecting us and supporting us in various ways, including their 2024 calendar sales.
Thank you, Murdoch's and Murdoch's customers! Your kindness makes a tremendous difference to our Program Members and their families.