Please Welcome K-9 Alana #319
Please welcome K-9 “Alana” to the Project K-9 Hero Pack, as our 319th Program Member. Alana honorably served at the Cleveland TN Police Department, from 2016 to 2024 as a Narcotics Detection K-9.
K-9 Alana is a nine-year old Labrador Retriever who spent six years serving the State of Tennessee, helping keep their citizens and visitors safe from dangerous criminals and drugs. Throughout her career, K-9 Alana assisted the 10th Judicial Drug Task Force, Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, United States Post Office, and Public Housing Authority, with interdiction and investigations that lead to arrests and convictions in most all cases. Alana was been very reliable as a working dog, assisting the Patrol Division with narcotics-related traffic stops, and conducting public demonstrations to many of the schools and children of the area.
Now that Alana is retired, her medical care is no longer covered by those she served, thus causing an extreme financial hardship on her Handler who is also fully retired from Law Enforcement. She has severe allergies and chronic ear infections after her years of service to her community.
Since retiring from from the department with Alana, her Handler stated, she has three separate ear infections the have led to hematomas in her ear, each requiring a costly procedure to repair. The most recent was just this week, which we at Project K-9 Hero were able pay for by getting the charges placed on the Handler’s credit card reversed and placed on our card, saving him over $600 in bills even before she entered our program.
We understand that the cost of veterinary care is expensive, especially for a retired Police Officer living in his home state of Tennessee. The very last thing we at Project K-9 Hero want to see is Alana go without the medical assistance she needs just because her bills were not affordable. Therefore, we decided to step up immediately and pay for Alana’s medical care at 100% for the rest of her life.
Please take a moment to welcome K-9 Alana as our 319th Pack Member, and we are honored to be Protecting her after she has done to Protect our community!
Our Medical Fund will help ensure that we always have medical bill payments for Heroes like Alana. Please donate today to continue supporting our life-saving abilities.
Every Dollar You Donate Helps
Retired K-9 Heroes!
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