Please Welcome K-9 Flum (C495) #322

Please welcome K-9 Flum (C495), retired from the Little Rock, Arkansas Police Department, as a member of the Transportation Security Administration - TSA National Explosive Detection Canine Team Program (NEDCTP), to the Project K-9 Hero Pack, as our 322nd Program Member!
K-9 Flum is a 6-year old male Vizsla trained in explosives detection. He honorably served for four years at the Little Rock (LIT) Airport, responding to bomb threats, suspicious items, and protecting the traveling public.
Over Flum’s career, he has helped support airport security operations and stadium sweeps for Arkansas Razorback football games. This includes protection details of motorcades and of the private resident of former President Bill Clinton. Flum was also utilized for countless calls to service for unattended items in the airport and in the City of Little Rock. Flum was deputized through the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the United States Marshals Service under the Operation Render Safe Task Force for any state/federal call outs, if needed.
Flum was medically retired early due to being diagnosed with malignant melanoma throughout his body. Flum will need medicine for the rest of his life to battle the cancer that he is fighting to survive. It started in his back right leg and has spread into his body cavity. It is currently unknown how much time Flum has with us due to this extremely aggressive condition.
Now retired, all medical costs are now the responsibility of his still actively-serving handler.
Project K-9 Hero will now be covering all of Flum’s medical expenses at 100% for the rest of his life. We are also committed to provide any further treatments, surgeries, or medications he may need to battle his cancer and live out the retirement he has earned. Flum is deeply loved by his handler, and he served the citizens of United States of America with true dedication and distinction.
Please welcome K-9 Flum as the newest member of our Project K-9 Hero pack. We are going to do our best to see that he has a fighting chance to live after all he has done for the community of Little Rock, the State of Arkansas, and our country!
Our Medical Fund will help ensure that we always have medical bill payments for Heroes like Flum. Please donate today to continue supporting our life-saving abilities.

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Retired K-9 Heroes!
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