Please Welcome MPC Amie #329

Please welcome Multi-Purpose Canine (MPC) “Amie” as the 329th Member of our Project K-9 Hero Pack. Amie spent six years in the Naval Special Warfare MPC Program and was recently retired from service due to her diagnosis of Breast Cancer, which has now spread to her lungs.
Amie, a seven year old Belgian Malinois, was the first female SEAL MPC on the west coast teams. During her time as a SEAL MPC, she completed multiple rigorous workups, followed with three deployments to CENTCOM. Amie has honorably and faithfully served on SEAL Team 1, SEAL Team 5, and SEAL Team 7. She specializes in explosive odor detection, non-lethal apprehension, and various maritime, air, & land-based insert/infil techniques.
When MPC Amie is not busy with work, her favorite things to do are play ball at the beach, steal people food, and takeover her Handler's bed. MPC Amie's selflessness, dedication, and loyalty to her team has earned her a spot in modern Naval Special Warfare history.
Due to her medical retirement this past week, Amie’s medical bills, cancer treatments, surgeries, and prescriptions fall solely on that of her still actively-serving Handler. We at Project K-9 Hero are honored to be covering these expenses at 100% for the rest of her life. Due to the emergent condition of her diagnoses, Amie begins treatment as early as tomorrow to help her battle this disease.
Please take a moment to welcome MPC Amie to the Pack! It is our honor at Project K-9 Hero to serve you after all you have done to protect our nation globally! We are here to fight this battle with cancer with you to ensure you receive the retirement that you have earned.
Our Medical Fund will help ensure that we always have medical bill payments for Heroes like Amie. Please donate today to continue supporting our life-saving abilities.

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