Career Stats: K-9 Doodle is a highly trained explosives detection dog with police and ATF certifications. Not too much is known about K-9 Doodle's statistics and accomplishments. We do know that he was deployed with his handler to serve his country in Helmand Province, Afghanistan in 2010-2011. While in Afghanistan, K-9 Doodle was working for the United States Marine Corps as an Improvised Explosive Device Detector Dog. At that time, K-9 Doodle had
multiple hits on raids and multiple finds, all of which ended up saving dozens of Marines' lives. K-9 Doodle and his handler also coordinated route clearing procedures and the clearing of landing zones during casevac and troops in contact situations. K-9 Doodle was diagnosed with laryngeal paralysis and Project K-9 Hero was honored to pay for his surgery.