Career Stats: MPC Rolen served in Afghanistan as a Patrol, Tracking, Explosive Detection Canine. He found 3 implanted IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices) while deployed in Afghanistan with a Special Operations Team, or ODA. After taking down a bomb maker's house an estimate was given of 45 IEDS that were found, totaling over 1,000 lbs., during this eight-month deployment. Time and time again, Rolen proved himself to the ODA and the Explosive Disposal
Ordinance team. Recently in retirement, Rolen has developed an enlarged mass between his spine and trachea, giving him difficulty breathing. This resulted in Rolen needing a $10K surgery that would be charged to his handler. As the newest member of our pack, Project K-9 Hero will be covering all of Rolen’s medical costs for the rest of his life.