Career Stats: MWD Blek served in the U.S. Air Force for six-years as a Dual-Purpose Patrol/Explosive Detection K-9, until a severe aggression issue cut his career. During his service he protected the infrastructure of Grand Forks AFB, as well as the President of the United States on Secret Service Missions. Blek also deployed to the country of Jordan in the Middle East, protecting American assets and fellow service members lives.
Bio Continued: After his fifth and most recent bite incident to his handler, it was determined that MWD Blek would no longer be able to serve in the Air Force. His Trainer and Kennel Master worked hard to find a place for him to be able to continue serving, but due his history, no departments or agencies were willing to accept Blek because of his aggression issues. Once we received his application, we had a conference call with his Trainer, Kennel Master, and Military Veterinarian. It was clear that Blek was out of options. That the military was moving forward with his paperwork to remove him from service, and that all other departments, agencies, or nonprofits that they had contacted were unwilling to accept him. The Veterinarian stated to us clearly that if we were not able to accept Blek into PK9H, that they were “prepared to euthanize him.” After learning of his imminent situation, we had no choice but to make room for Blek at our Project K-9 Hero Rehabilitation and Rehoming Facility and accept him as a full-time member. We are very thankful that the USAF allowed their trainer to travel to Tennessee to go through a comprehensive transition process with our PK9H Staff. We worked with the Air Force Trainer on learning Blek’s triggers, bite history, medical records, food prep, daily routine, prescriptions, etc…
Our staff did a wonderful job in quickly creating a bond with Blek so we can begin his rehabilitation process on our 177 acre sanctuary. It is an honor for our nonprofit organization to be a trusted resource for the United States Government, Military, and Air Force to rely on when cases like Blek are before them. We welcome retired MWD Blek as the first member from the State of North Dakota.