Career Stats: MWD Dino was deployed with his handler, Staff Sergeant Christopher Diaz, who was Killed in Action on September 28th, 2011, as a result from rushing to the aid of a comrade during combat operations in Helmand Province, Afghanistan. Chris was a highly skilled and elite Military Working Dog Handler, assigned to II Marine Expeditionary Force Headquarters Group (Forward), Task Force Belleau Wood. Our founder, Jason Johnson, worked with Chris prior to his deployment for three days getting MWD Dino trained on
home-made explosives in Yuma, AZ, so it was an honor for us to have Dino join the pack. Dino is now living in retirement with his Gold Star Family members in El Paso, TX, and Project K-9 Hero will be taking care of Dino’s medical costs for the remainder of his life. Please take a moment to watch the video below of Dino’s retirement from the Marine Corps and him being given to Chris’s parents in an official ceremony.