Over the last several months, Project K-9 Hero has been working closely with K-9 Dozer’s Handler, Teddy VanVliet, and State Representative Jennifer Conlin, from Michigan’s House District 48, to change the existing K-9 laws, to appropriately charge and prosecute those who injure or kill a Police Animal, during the commission of a crime, whether it be intentional or unintentional.
This past week, Rep. Conlin submitted two pieces of legislation to the Chair of the House Criminal Justice Committee, Representative Kara Hope. She has until December 31st, 2024 to determine if these two bills, HB6042 and HB6043, known as Dozer’s Law, should be submitted to the House Floor for a vote.
We NEED YOUR HELP, if you are a Resident of Michigan, to email, call, or write her office to urge her to support this important legislation that will help protect Police K-9s for generations to follow.
We have created this simple link for you to share with all of your family and friends in the State of Michigan! Here you may also read more about the change of law, obtain contact information for Rep. Hope’s office, view sample language on how to craft your correspondence, and learn more about Dozer’s story.
We at PK9H want to thank you for all of your support in helping us live up to our motto of “Protecting Those Who Protected Us!” Heroes like Dozer, deserve this all important statute for all they do for our communities!
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